
Jul 23, 2012

On the Cover of the Rolling Stone

John Lennon

Eric Clapton
Bob Dylan 

Mick Jagger

Janis Joplin
The Beatles

Jim Morrison
John Lennon & Yoko Ono
Mick Jagger

Keith Richards

The Incredible Hulk

Jane Fonda
Jesus Freaks

Rod Stewart

Jerry Garcia 
James Dean
Crosby, Still, Nash & Young 

The Eagles 

Jack Nicholson

Johnny Rotten

The Who


Mick Jagger

Tina Turner

Billy Idol

Prince with Lisa & Wendy

Michael Jackson

Robin Williams
John Lennon

Jon Bon Jovi

Mick Jagger & Keith Richards
Mick Jagger & Keith Richards

Sebastian Bach
Axl Rose
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Sinead O'Connor

Twenty-fifth Anniversary - The Portraits

Beavis & Butthead
Bob Marley 

Liv & Steven Tyler
Brad Pitt
Cast of Friends
Mick Jagger
Sean Penn

Dennis Rodman
Marilyn Manson 
Mick Jagger & Keith Richards 

Johnny Depp
Rolling Stone #809

Mike Myers
Bob Dylan